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Acupuncture Combines With Osteopathy For Greater Relief


When it comes to medical practices and remedies, the public are often divided between choosing eastern healing or western remedies like Integrative Nutrition Toronto ON as most practices can be categorized among these two class. However, not all the time that these two are always pit up against each other. A great example would be where the patients are using osteopathy along with acupuncture as suggested by their osteopaths.

Acupuncture has a history of more than 2000 years and originated from Asia as a holistic healing practice. Its basic concept is the flow of body energy or Qi which is a vital factor to the body health. The flow of Qi must be harmonious throughout the body and vital organs or else the health will deteriorate.

Acupuncture uses tiny needles which is inserted in the skin on the pressure points of the body to fix any disturbance of the energy flow. Through acupuncture needles, the body natural healing capacity is boosted and the natural energy flow is restored.

So how does acupuncture integrate with osteopathy? These two have the same concept in which the body is connected with the mind. Combining acupuncture with osteopathy can eliminate the cause of health issues completely aside from removing the symptoms.  

You might not know it but acupuncture is more than just for relieving body pains. Among the diseases which acupuncture is effective are:

Abnormal blood pressure and circulation

Common cranial issues like headaches and migraines

Respiratory issues such as asthma and breathlessness

Skeletal and muscle pains and other conditions. There are also arthritis, stiffness and other osteopathic conditions.

Different allergies

Abnormal rests

Those who used acupuncture remedies have noticeable increase on their overall body health especially their vitality and energy levels. 

Since acupuncture uses needles for treatment, there are many people who do not like to try this healing treatment. Acupuncture uses a specific needle unlike injection needles which make the pain level almost unnoticeable for the patients. Acupuncture Toronto ON techniques are combined with finer needles which are inserted in the body. The pain level is very low when it comes to acupuncture and even the most sensitive patient can use acupuncture.

There are still people who solely rely on western medical practices as their primary option. On the other hand, there are people who only use eastern healing treatments to solve their body issues and do not try other options. It is not necessary to decide between eastern healing practices and western medical treatments when looking for a solution on your medical issues. There are a lot of patients who experienced the wonderful effect of using both western and eastern medical practices which made their lives happy, healthier and complete. If you are not sure about this, find out more from you osteopath.

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